If you suspect abuse child abuse or neglect, contact your local Department of Social Services (DSS) or county or municipal law enforcement office to make a report.

Below are contacts for making a report.


Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office
(864) 503-4500

Department of Social Services 24/7 Intake Line (all counties):

Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office
(864) 489-4722

Union County Sheriff’s Office
(864) 429-1612

What is child sexual abuse?

Child sexual abuse is any kind of sexual act directed toward a child by an adult or much older child. These acts include sexual fondling, digital penetration/intercourse, oral sex, sex, exhibitionism, prostitution and using children for pornography.


What are some of the physical and behavioral signs?

Children who may be too frightened to talk about sexual abuse may exhibit a variety of physical and behavioral signals, including but not limited to:

  • Loss of appetite

  • Recurrent nightmares or disturbed sleep

  • Fear of the dark

  • Regression to more infantile behavior such as bedwetting, thumb sucking or excessive crying

  • Torn or stained underwear

  • Vaginal or rectal bleeding, pain, itching, swollen genitals and vaginal discharge

  • Unusual interest in or knowledge of sexual matters for their age

  • Expressing affection in ways inappropriate for their age

  • Fear of a person or an intense dislike of being left somewhere or with someone

  • Aggressive or disruptive behavior, withdrawal, running away or delinquent behavior

  • Change in performance at school


What if I think my child has been abused?

  1. Believe your child. Children rarely lie about sexual abuse.

  2. Commend your child for telling you. However, do not ask your child for detailed information about the experience.

  3. Listen to what your child wants to tell you.

  4. Tell your child you support him or her. Many children believe abuse is their fault. Alleviating this self-blame is very important.

  5. Report any suspected abuse to the Department of Social Services or to the police! Remember that taking action is critical because if nothing is done, other children will continue to be at risk.

  6. Reassure your child and explain that he or she will not be blamed for what an adult or older youth did to them.

  7. Do not deny the problem. Support your child and stay calm.


What are common reactions of PARENTS of sexually abused children?

Shock, disbelief, rage, desire to get even, guilt, embarrassment, self-blame, depression and a sense of betrayal, to name a few. Initially, you may feel overwhelmed by your own feelings. If the abuser is a close family member, you may also be struggling with disbelief and a sense of having been betrayed.

Possible signs of PHYSICAL abuse:

  • Child seems frightened by caregiver and protests going with them

  • Evidence of bruises, burns, bites, broken bones, etc. 

  • Squirms at the approach of adults

  • Child abuses animals 

  • Excessive crying, fears of certain people or places

Possible signs of NEGLECT

  • Withdrawn/depressed mood, not eating or drinking much

  • Anxiety 

  • Regression in behaviors such as bedwetting, thumb-sucking, having nightmares

  • Knowledge of sexual behavior and language that is not age- appropriate

  • Drop in grades at school, chronic stomach pains or headaches

  • Changes in hygiene

  • Stealing lunch food or money, lacking clothing appropriate for the weather